Launch your career with confidence

If you’re a Year 9 to 12 student in Tassie, figuring out what your career might look like can be hard. Careerify is jam packed with useful stuff like articles and activities to help you along the way. We’ll show you the 4 helpful steps to confidently make career decisions, for now, and later in life. Read up on what a career is.

The next four years are pretty important. From Year 9, you’ll start to take more control of your education. You’re able to choose subjects you’re interested in and find out what you enjoy doing and what you’re good at. Exploring your skills and interests often gives you heaps of clues about subjects you might like to choose in Years 10, 11 and 12. Better still, you can get ideas for what you might like to do after Year 12 and what your career path might look like.

Towards the end of Year 12 we encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and having a crack at something you wouldn’t normally try. So ignore the little pesky voice in your head, back yourself, and go for it!

Where are you at?

You’ve made it through Years 1 to 8. It’s time to get serious for planning the amazing life that’s ahead of you.

Toolkit for making career decisions

There are four steps you can take to make a confident career decision. Each step has a section on Careerify and it’s filled with handy articles and activities to help you along the way. Once you get some practice at these steps, making decisions won’t seem so scary.

Discover Interests & Skills

Discover Interests
& Skills

Step 1: Start by figuring out your interests, skills, and values.

Explore Options


Step 2: Casting the net wide and
exploring your options.

Making Decisions


Step 3: Short listing options and making a career decision.


Step 4: Practical steps to put your decision into action

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of lutruwita. We recognise and draw on the skills and knowledge of the palawa people, shared for thousands of generations on this island. We Honour identity and culture as integral to a young person’s career journey. We pay respect to the Elders past and present. Their ancient wisdom forges the path for our younger generation who are our Elders of the future.