I’m a Parent/Carer

It can be frustrating trying to find simple and relevant information for your teenager. You want to be able to help them figure out what pathway options they have to achieve their TCE (Tasmanian Certificate of Education). Or to help them explore what their options are for life after Year 12.

The good news is, you don’t have to be a Career Advisor to help them navigate career decisions. There are things you can do to help them feel confident when they’re ready to leave school. Here’s what you can do to help them explore their options and make career decisions.

Must Knows

Some things you need to be across

Do you know what a career is?

How to help your teenager on their career decision journey

Who to speak to about options

Here are some terms you’ll really need to be across if you’re not already aware

Guide them

Rather than sending students down a particular pathway, it’s better to support them as they explore their options
I am a Parent Carer - post image

Send them to Careerify

Find out about course options

What are the rules for staying in school?

What are the options for students to work towards achieving their TCE or TCEA?

What are the options for students after Year 12?

What occupation options are there?

What work experience options are there?

Do you know a young person who is not ready for career conversations?

Male teenager sitting with friends playing chess

Inspire them

Things you can say to reassure your teenager
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Encourage them to try different things

Reassure them their career will be as unique as them

Manage their expectations

Empower them with the career decision journey

Encourage them to build their support network

Get them connected with their community

All pathways are equal

Two students looking at a computer