Applied Capability Qualifications

Young female students talking and smiling

Did you know that there are six new online short courses designed to give students real workplace skills?

Applied Capability Qualification courses look great on a student’s resume and even get them a couple of extra TCE credit points! The courses give real world skills that will benefit them in both the workplace and their personal lives, and each course only takes 20 hours to complete.

What courses can you do?

Assessing information and sources 
Students learn about the reliability of sources and how to critically examine information.  

Consumer ethics and sustainability 
Students learn about the ethics of consumerism and how things like fast fashion impact the environment.  

Creative and critical thinking for life and work 
Students explore different learning styles, how to come up with ideas, and learn about current issues across Tasmania, Australia and the world.  

Navigating cultural diversity and identity 
Students explore their own identity and culture and learn to value different cultural perspectives and develop intercultural understanding.  

Resilience strategies for life and work 
Students learn how to be resilient and identifies was to overcome adversity, set goals, manage time and understand healthy and challenging relationships in the workplace.  

Workplace communication, ethics and conflict resolution
Students learn how to recognise conflict in the workplace and how to manage communication in an ethical and positive way.  

How can your school get involved?

The Qualifications are designed for Years 9 to 12 students and are available to Department for Education, Children and Young People, Catholic Education Tasmania and Independent Schools Tasmania schools. 

To find out how your school can get involved with these fantastic courses, talk with your teacher or career advisor and get them to visit the ACQ web page.

If your school would like to deliver the one or more of the Applied Capability Qualifications, they will need to complete the Expression of Interest Form.

Visit the ACQ YouTube playlist for more videos