Events Calendar

Got a career information event aimed at years 9-12 students? We list events that support young people exploring their career options.Submit your event

“Writing from Loss/Experiments with Form”: A Writing Masterclass

Humanities Building, Room 348, Sandy Bay Campus 1 Churchill Avenue, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Explore how to provoke and energize creative writing Join Gail Jones, the 2022 UTAS Hedberg Writer-in-Residence, for the first part of the masterclass considers "Writing from Loss". Gail will address the recuperative and regenerating dimension of writing. What constitutes a trace; how might traces (memories, relics, skerricks) matter?  "Experiments with form" explores what might it mean […]

“Magnets & Lightning Rods”: A Workshop for Emerging Writers

Vanessa Goodwin City Room, The Hedberg Building 27 Campbell Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

In this masterclass, Gail will explore two key topics to provoke and energize creative writing. In “Writing from Loss”, the concept here is counterintuitive: it’s not necessarily an abundance of ideas or stories that provoke writing, but it could be a trace, a fragment, or the melancholy fleetingness of things (including life itself). Gail will […]