Become a volunteer fire fighter with the TFS

Fire fighter observing a fire

Tasmania’s fire brigades are made up of approximately 5,000 volunteers who operate from 232 stations in the suburban areas, larger towns and rural areas across Tasmania.

Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS) volunteers come from all parts of the community, different backgrounds and a wide range of ages. They are found in isolated rural areas and in country towns; they live in the big cities and the suburbs.

To be a volunteer or a career firefighter you need to be 18 or over. If you’re under 18 , there’s no better way to start than joining up as junior or cadet member. Why not contact your local brigade and find out if they have a junior and cadet program? You will need to get your parent’s consent in order to join.

What do TFS volunteers do?

Most TFS volunteers participate as operational firefighters. This involves responding to emergency incidents such as bush fires, structure fires, motor vehicle incidents, chemical spills, etc.

Other volunteers participate as members who support the brigade’s operational firefighters in areas like community fire safety, junior development, fundraising, communications, brigade administration and equipment maintenance.

When you join a brigade you become part of a large team who have an important job to do for their community.

More Information

For more information, contact your local brigade directly. You can also fill in the expression of interest form if you would like the TFS to contact you with further information on joining the Tasmania Fire Service as a volunteer.

6336 5633  (Northern Region)
6434 6700  (North West Region)
6230 8400  (Southern Region)

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