marine science

Young Tassie Scientists logo

Young Tassie Scientists

The Young Tassie Scientists (YTS) program helps early career researchers and professionals who are passionate about their work to connect with the Tasmanian community in a variety of ways. They visit schools around Tasmania and share their work through talks and talks and activities. They also participate in community science festivals and expos as ambassadors …

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National Science Week Logo

National Science Week

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Running each year in August, it features more than 1000 events around Australia, including those delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, libraries, museums and science centres. These events attract a wide audience from children to adults, and science amateurs to professionals. Over one million …

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Mature woman in conversation smiling

Virginia Andrews-Goff

Job: Marine Mammal Scientist

Industry/Sector: Marine Science

The first time I saw the ice edge, I was standing right at the top of the Aurora Australis by myself. My brain was literally so overwhelmed by what I saw that, hilariously, I burst into tears.

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