Understanding the real you- Header Banner

Figuring out who you are and what you stand for as a person can help when it comes to making decisions. Like what subjects, courses and extra curricular activities to do. Each and everyone one of us have:

  • Values
  • Beliefs
  • Interests
  • Aspirations

Do you know what yours are? This knowledge can provide clues to what subjects, courses, and jobs will suit you. If you haven’t thought about this before, give it a crack now (you might not realise how fabulous and multi-talented you are). As a starting point, try and spend a few minutes thinking about the questions below.

How would you describe yourself?

Two male teenagers at a sporting event smiling and clapping

What are my values?

Am I

  • dependable
  • loyal
  • open-minded
  • honest
  • committed
  • caring
  • compassionate
  • generous
  • kind.

What are my beliefs?

Do you believe in

  • the importance of being truthful?
  • building friendships throughout my life?
  • that I can always get through challenges and disappointments?
  • that hard work can take me where I want to go?
father and son walking through park talking
mountain bikers looking at signage and maps

What are my interests?

I like

  • swimming
  • trying new recipes
  • gaming with mates
  • shopping with friends
  • reading crime novels
  • bushwalking
  • mountain biking
  • spending time with my grandparents
  • volunteering
  • walking my dog.

What am I good at?

I’m good at

  • mathematics
  • gaming
  • making desserts
  • choosing clothes and makeup
  • drawing my own cartoon characters
  • riding horses
  • negotiating with my parents.
two young people kicking a football
Female apprentice chef in kitchen cutting up vegetables

What are my aspirations?

I want to

  • own my own restaurant specialising in desserts
  • make a living from gaming
  • start my own fashion label
  • create a famous cartoon character
  • become a best selling crime novelist
  • set up my own horse-riding school
  • become a high school maths teacher
  • manage dozens of professional AFL players

What have I done that I’m proud of?

I have…

  • raised $600 for Brain Cancer research
  • perfected a recipe for dairy-free caramel slice
  • posted my first video on YouTube showing some easy makeup tips for beginners
  • came second in a Year 9 maths competition
  • volunteered for a community project
  • joined a new pony club
  • had my first book review published in the newspaper.

Try working out the answers to these questions (and only YOU can answer them by the way). They provide important clues for directions to explore on your career journey.

group of volunteers cleaning rubbish from a beach

Try new things

You can also have a lot of fun by giving new things a go. You’ll see whether you’ll enjoy them, are good at them (or even great at them), and if they align to your values. The more things you try the more chance you’ll have of finding something that’s a great fit for you.

So, here’s a few things you might like to try at school:

  • new school subject – like the biology course you’ve heard great things about
  • short courses – a Barista course, Responsible Serving of Alcohol, First Aid etc
  • drama club – assuming you don’t have enough drama in your life already
  • sports/Athletics – it doesn’t matter if you’re not sporty, exercise can make you feel good
  • volunteer/Activism work – helping a charity or a cause you believe in
  • school newspaper – often it’s a stepping stone for aspiring journalists
  • student radio station – lots of DJs and radio presenters start out this way
  • scouts/Guides/Cadets – you’ll learn practical stuff and get to wear uniforms
  • dance – if you like making TikToks this could be perfect for you
  • art and crafts – you might discover an artistic flair you didn’t know about
  • spelling bee – great if you like words and friendly competition
  • band/choir – you might even meet friends here and start your own band
  • debate Team –  many politicians and lawyers are good at debating.
high school students building solar science experiment
Woman using archery equipment aiming at target

Here’s a few things you might like to try outside of school:

  • a new sport – you might like table tennis, mountain biking, archery, karate, rock climbing, tenpin bowling
  • a new hobby – you might like chess, jigsaw puzzles, painting, learning an instrument, meditation.

It’s a big amazing world out there. Have a crack at something different, and you never know where it may lead.

Key takeaway

Think about who you are and what you stand for as a person. This can provide vital clues about the right courses and occupations for you.

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