A holiday job will earn you extra cash - header banner

But that’s not the only reason to grab one

School holidays are a perfect opportunity to grab a casual or part-time job. Besides earning some extra ‘moolah’, holiday jobs provide a stepping-stone to future employment. Here’s a few more hidden benefits:

A holiday job will earn you extra cash

Experience for future jobs

You’ll get some valuable work experience. Many employers will look at your work experience history, so it will help you to get future jobs.

Developing skills employers look for

You’ll develop skills that employers value. Communication and people skills, teamwork, willingness to learn, reliability, enthusiasm and motivation.

Build your CV

You can add your holiday job to your résumé. This may help you get shortlisted for interviews for future jobs.

Get a referee

Your holiday job supervisor may be willing to be a referee on your résumé (and this can make a big difference). A good word from a referee who has seen you first-hand in the workplace may help you land your next job.

Common holiday jobs for ‘schoolies’ are often available in industries such as Retail. Tourism and Agriculture (e.g., seasonal fruit and vegetable harvesting). Often you can find work as a Sales Assistant, Kitchen-hand, Waiter, and Fast Food worker. Hey, it might not be the job you’ll do for the rest of your life, but it’s all great experience. So keep an eye out for jobs advertised on shop front windows, and don’t be afraid to ask around.

More info

Check out the Labour Market Information (LMI) Portal. Scroll down to the Youth and Students section. It has some PDF’s you can download on how to enter the workforce and employer advice.

Key Takeaway

Key takeaway

Use your school holidays to get some work experience. You’ll get some extra cash, and gain valuable work experience to help you down the line.

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