How learning for life can give you the edge

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You’ve probably heard it before – learning is lifelong. But here’s the good news – it doesn’t mean that you have to do long years of study each time you need to learn new skills. In other words, you can still have a life!

Many education and training institutions provide awesome short courses, licences and specific skillsets. They’re designed to build your skills so you can keep up to date with changing skill requirements.

So even if you’re happy with where you’re at the moment, always be looking to grow and learn. Chances are your employer might even pay for your training!


A skillset is made up of one, or a combination, of units of competency. The competency is from a training package that meets an Industry need. For example, the Australia Maritime College delivers the Shipboard Safety Skill Set. This is a requirement for anyone working on small commercial fishing or trade vessel. TasTAFE offers skillsets from many training packages. Check out their website for more details (they’re pretty cool).

Short Courses

A short course develops new skills for your current job or can help you to gain a new job. They vary in length from a few hours to a few days. You’ll find plenty of short courses available in Tassie at:

Check their websites regularly to see what’s on offer. Suss out details like the application closing dates and course start dates.


Some short courses lead to a licence. A good examples is a Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck or a Medium Rigid Vehicle Licence. Others enable you to meet regulatory requirements. For example White Card, Responsible Service of Alcohol or Responsible Gambling Services. You’d be amazed how many great careers have started by getting a licence like this.

Key Takeaway

Key takeaway

Completing a short course, licence, or skillset may give you the edge in your search for a job. Especially if more people are competing for fewer jobs.