Group of students dressed in safety gear listening to industry expert

Industry-based literacy and numeracy quizzes

Male teacher and student holding a computer

It’s never to early to start exploring and building your career

A career is not just about the job (or jobs) you’ll do. It’s the sum of all the work and experiences you have built up throughout life. This includes knowledge and skills gained from any education, training or work exposure opportunities including paid or unpaid work. It also includes family and life roles, activities, volunteer work, and community involvement. As you gain more experience in the worlds of work and life, you’re building your career.

We’re all good at something. In fact, chances are you’re pretty awesome at lots of things. What you’re good at, or recognising your talents can help when you’re making a career decision. Like choosing a course to study or occupation to pursue. If you’re not too sure what you’re good at, then try the quizzes below to help figure it out.

Discover what kind of problem-solving you’ll do every day in different jobs. You may be working casually, part-time, as an apprentice, or full-time. These quizzes were made with help from industry experts, TAFE, and high schools. They aren’t official tests of your reading and math skills, but they will help you see what skills you have and what you might need to learn.

Choosing your industry

You might be asking “what’s an industry?”

An industry is a group of businesses or organisations that produce similar goods or services. For example, the automotive industry includes companies that make or repair cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Industries can be divided into different sectors, such as manufacturing, technology, and healthcare.

Each industry plays a crucial role in the economy by providing jobs, creating products, and contributing to the overall growth of a country. Understanding how industries work helps us see how different parts of the economy are connected and how they impact our daily lives. If you want take a deeper dive into a few of the key industries in Tasmania, check out our Industry Insights page.

Let’s get started

In this section there are twelve different industries to choose from with up to five different job categories. Start exploring and complete as many online quizzes as you like. You might surprise yourself with the results.

If you would prefer to do the quizzes offline, there are downloadable PDF files below that can be printed.

Print or download a quiz

Prefer to complete your quiz offline? Below are printable PDF versions for you to discover what kind of problem-solving you’ll do day-to-day in a variety of industries. If you’re not sure what industry or job you would like to do right now, there is a non-industry test you can do to test your knowledge.

Just remember, they aren’t official tests of your reading and math skills, but they will help you see what skills you have and what you might need to learn.

Specialist science technician explaining equipment to students
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