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If you’re planning on doing recognised training or study, then you’ll need to sort out your USI. Your USI (Unique Student Identifier) is your individual education number. It’s yours for life. It’s made up of 10 numbers and letters, and it’s specific to you. So if you’re a new student doing recognised training, then you’d use your USI to identify yourself. It’s the same for an ongoing student. Your USI also gives you an online record of any VET training undertaken in Australia.

Why you need a USI

There’s a few reasons. Without one, you can’t get Commonwealth financial help. Or your qualification or statement of attainment. You also won’t be eligible for further education support like HECS-HELP. So you’ve pretty much got no choice – you need a USI. So when would you use a USI?

How to get one

It’s easy and it’s free. It’ll take you less than five minutes to create your USI on the USI Registry

Step One:

To start off, you’ll need ONE valid form of ID. You’ve got a few options:

Got one? Then proceed to Step Two.

Step Two:
Go to the USI Registry System

Step Three:
Select Create USI. Then select your proof of identity.

Step Four:
Enter your personal details exactly as they appear on your form of ID.

Step Five
Enter your contact details.

Step  Six:
Confirm your identity.

Step Seven:
Secure your account with a USI password. You’ll have two check questions that very few people could answer. This is to make sure you’re the right person.

Step Eight
If you’ve done all that, then your USI will now be visible on the screen. It will also go to you for your records as well. Remember to keep it safe somewhere. Then that’s it – you’re done!

Find out more

Check out the government Unique Student Identifier website. It’s also where you’ll find out if you already have a USI.

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