Alternative ways to get into a course

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It’s totally understandable to feel discouraged if you don’t get into your dream course. But when that opportunity passes there’s a good chance you can get there another way. You may not be aware that there are alternative paths to get you to Uni or TAFE. By being adaptable and flexible, you can still get to where you want to go (who cares how you get there?).

Tasmanian University Pathways

Enabling courses

An enabling, or pathway course can be a great option if you don’t meet the requirements for your dream career. Enabling courses prepare you for the next stage of study and develop skills needed to succeed at uni. Better still, you’ll come out with a qualification at the end of it.

Courses offered:

Bridging Courses

Like the name suggests, these courses ‘bridge the gap’ if you need to pick up subjects to get into your dream degree. Current bridging courses:

  • Applied Mathematics – which meets TASC Mathematics General 3 pre-requisites
  • Foundation Mathematics – which meets TASC Mathematics General 3 and Mathematical Methods 4 pre-requisites
  • Chemistry – which meets TASC Chemistry 4 and Physical Sciences 3 pre-requisites
  • Physics – which meets TASC Physics 4 and Physical Sciences 4 pre-requisites

Alternative Entry

Here are three other ways to help you get into your dream degree:

  1. A Diploma or Advanced Diploma from TasTAFE may be accepted for entry into a related degree course. In some cases you may get advanced standing. This means your degree may be shorter.
  2. If you’ve done university study before it can often be recognised when apply for another uni course. This means you’re not starting from scratch.
  3. You can also apply for a university course as a ‘mature-aged’ student. Other qualifications you have can be considered for course entry. Also work and life experiences are factored in too.
  4. There is the Schools Recommendation Program at the University of Tasmania where your application is based on your school’s recommendation and your Year 11 results.

VET Pathways

Different Certificate Same Qualification

The awesome thing about VET (Vocational Education Training) courses is that they can build on each other. A Certificate I qualification leads into a Certificate II qualification. A Certificate III qualification leads onto a Certificate IV and so on. In other words, if you miss out on your dream Certificate III course, don’t stress – you can apply for a Certificate II or a Certificate I in the same qualification area. It really doesn’t matter which way you get there, so long as you get there!

Foundation Skills Courses

TasTAFE also offers foundation skills courses that will improve your access to further education, training or employment. These courses help you improve your English and Maths skills.  They also help with other necessary skills for you to get to where you want to go.