Building Tasmania’s civil construction workforce

TasTAFE and Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) Tasmania have come together to train future members of Tasmania’s civil construction industry. An additional 7500 employees will be required to complete the record number of infrastructure works in Tasmania.

The High-Vis Army Civil Construction Pre-Employment Program supports those new to the industry. Participants will enter the workforce with qualifications and industry-specific foundation skills.

“Before the course I had no experience. I went from an IT background last year and now this year is completely different. I’ve learned a lot about construction through this program and it has made me very excited to get into it and I feel comfortable actually getting into it after this.”Course participant Jaidyn

Are you considering a career in the civil construction or thinking of a new career direction? Check out the TasTAFE article or get in touch with the team from the High Vis Army.

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