Fearless Festival 2024 Launceston – don’t miss out !

The future ignores stereotypes, the future is FEARLESS

The annual Fearless Festival, promotes the range and diversity of employment and career choices in Tasmania. The forum allows young and not so young women, to meet, hear and mingle with super successful women from all kinds of jobs.

Immerse yourself with careers and opportunities you may never have considered. Mining, renewable energy, maritime, STEM and advanced manufacturing. Get hands on with power tools. Talk with members of Emergency Services and Defence. Learn about Higher Education and VET or attend a Masterclass Kitchen.

Ask your school about attending the Festival and lock in the FREE gala dinner on the Friday night with some truly inspiring women in leadership who share their stories and wisdom.

Fearless Festival – 29-30 August 2023

Fearless Festival 2024
Festival Program
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2023 Fearless Festival

2023 Fearless Festival Masterclass Kitchen

2023 Fearless Festival Gala Dinner

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