Girls in power event image

Girls in Power – be part of the next generation

Young women attending event

The inaugural Girls in Power event in 2022 was an absolute hit with its young participants. The unique event offered young women in Years 9 and 10 an insight into the exciting opportunities a career in clean energy can provide.

Hydro Tasmania secured funding through the Tasmanian Government’s Supporting Women to Succeed Grants Program to run the Girls in Power event, designed to inspire young women on renewable energy career possibilities.

Over two action-packed days, participants received an introduction to the circular economy, engaged in a hands-on challenge of building a hydropower system, and headed to MONA for a session on geotechnical engineering.

The girls also headed into Tasmania’s highlands to visit Cattle Hill Wind Farm and Hydro Tasmania’s power stations at Waddamana, then to Meadowbank in the Derwent Valley.

Girls in Power was proudly backed by Hydro Tasmania, Entura, TasNetworks, the Tasmanian Government, Goldwind, and ACEN Australia.

Hydro Tasmania Executive General Manager People Culture and Engagement, Ruth Groom, said the Girls in Power program was focused on what a renewable energy career could be by connecting girls with inspiring women in the sector.

To be part of the 2023 event visit the Girls in Power website to find out more information.